Friday, May 01, 2009


Today begins the countdown to two events in my life that could be described as monumental. You know, if a person were to be inclined to describe the events in their life, in print or maybe in blog.

1. On the 25th day of this month, I will turn 40. On the one hand, big fucking deal. I've managed to not die for, at this point, 39 years and 340 days. Give or take, I don't have a great mind for math. On the other hand, seeing as how I fully expected that I'd have gone ahead and died by the time I was 30, let alone 40, it's at least a little remarkable.

Remember: The scope of our discussion is my life. Yours is probably different, and undoubtedly more interesting. I appreciate your willingness to slum it a little.

As another aside, I have finally learned a lesson from the great Kurt Vonnegut. I will no longer employ the semi-colon in my prose. I admit that I may need to continue using it in some workplace communications, but such are the compromises we make for a paycheck.

Sorry. Back to the issue at hand.

2. In roughly 36 days I will get married for the second time. New bride, of course. My great hope is that I will do a far better job as a husband in this marriage than I did in the prior marriage, or at least that time will prove that my new bride will be more able to weather my various storms. All I know is that I'm very much in love with her and very honored to be her husband. For now, that's enough.

Miscellany: Bachmann is a plague. The media obsesses over the swine flu and somehow manages to miss the true illness. We have a sociopath representing a part of our fair state in congress. How is this a good thing? How did it happen (twice)? Minnesota (specifically our 6th district), I'm talking to you.

So. There's a fair bit to talk about, it would seem.


At 9:55 PM, Blogger Elise said...

All I have to say to that (besides the traditional congratulations) is: you oughta invest in some lottery tickets this month, because clearly, your stars are in alignment.

Also, I hear the 40s are a good decade. (And with a wife like that, how can you miss?)


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