Monday, December 22, 2008

Well, hey! There you are. Sorry about that.

Long time no blog, and other contrite shit I don't mean. I haven't written because I haven't damn well felt like it. Whatevs.

But it's the holiday season, is it not? And dammit, in every dysfunctional family I've been a part of, the holidays are a great time for some drunken, stupid member of the family to do something inappropriate.

My dear Readers, I am that drunken, stupid family member! And indeed, I have gone and done something very inappropriate. But, shit; I do it every year.

I have spoken to you of the Santaland Diaries before. You know what Kyle and I do. What you don't know is that a daring e-journalist has taken a shine to the Misfit Toys, and he somehow managed to get our sad butts onto Secrets of the City in a pretty cool way. They made a friggin' video, which video you can view if you click the previous link. It's about halfway down the page. (DO PLEASE NOTE: AS ALUDED TO ABOVE, IT IS NOT FOR YOUR CHILDREN OR ANYONE ELSE WHO SHOULDN'T BE CONFRONTED WITH MOTHERFUCKING HORRIBLE LANGUAGE. SO DON'T CLICK AT WORK OR IN FRONT OF THE OFFSPRING OR ANYONE ELSE WHO CAN'T DEAL)

First, props to our swell friend Rich for giving a shit and making this happen. Additional props to Cristina Cordova, who shot and edited the thing. There was another really cool guy whose name I've sadly since forgotten (it's okay; he'll live on forever in our hearts and minds as the unfortunate, mildly freaked-out elevator-mate), as well. More obvious props must go to the cast: Lorinda Chagnon, Eric Nelson, and Kristina Solomon. Nobody wrote that stuff for them, they just plumb made it up on the spot. And Kyle's cool and a really good fellow and shit. Joy, love, puke. Yay.

Anyway. Happy holidays, y'all.


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