Friday, January 19, 2007

Inez bit a bull.

Or inevitable, depending on how your crazy's doing today (as you can see, mine's in fine shape).

What's inevitable, you say? Okay, fine - didn't realize you were SO effin' busy and important. I'll get to the point.

Point being: Fuck Valentine's Day. Right in the ear. No lube. That's right, dry-fuck that bloody depression generator right in the ear until it bleeds. If you're with someone, it's a lousy excuse to do what you should have been doing all along; if you're alone, get ready for the entire world to spend the next ~4 weeks reminding you just how much you suck.

And I say No More. We, the American People need to stand up and draw a line in the sand - say NO to Valentine's Day, people! If you've got a significant other, go buy her/him something nice today. For no particular reason, just because you love them. Isn't that better than giving them some lame, perfunctory crap because Hallmark says you should? Of course it is, and you know it. If you, like me, are alone, ignore this piece of shit entirely. If you can't blow off the never-ending stream of V-Day themed commercials and episodes of your favorite shows (because they'll all do it, even the good ones), turn your fucking TV off. Don't feel more despairing or alone or like a looser just because it's V-Day; we're all alone and losers EVERY day, so there's no need to feel worse just because of a worthless holiday. Chin up, loser - we'll all get another shot to fail miserably at love (again) soon enough.

Seriously, this bloody "holiday" exists because we allow it to exist. And we can make it go away. Think about it.

And please, if you must participate at least try to be a little clever about it. I submit this swell page of Valentine's sentiments as a starting point.


At 7:38 PM, Blogger Elise said...

I used to wear all black on Valentine's day ... but I dunno - couldn't it be a day to celebrate ALL your relationships, not just romantic ones? I mean, we're talking free chocolate here!


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