It's Gram-tastic. Gram-tacular, even.
I watched the Grammy's - sort of. I do this (sort of) every year. It's not that I think it should exist any more than any of the other awards shows - I don't - but since it's sort of "my" industry, I do like to check in to see just how out of touch with reality it is on a given year (an example of past unintentional comedy: giving the best Heavy Metal award to... Jethro Tull?).

This year I definitely tuned in to see the Police open the show - that was the main reason, and they didn't disappoint. Sting sounded great and Copeland's drop chops are as good as ever. I also liked their choice of tune and making a little psuedo-medley out of one tune, as opposed to trying to spit out a full, "greatest hits" type medley or something. Well, done, Po-po.
As for the rest, here (verbatim and unedited) are some reflections of the proceedings that I texted to myself with my phone, so I wouldn't forget*:
- (7:58PM CDT)Police rocked - john mayer is good
- (9:02PM) Ornette!
- (9:21PM) Christina Aguilera is hot and good.
- (9:56PM) Good choice for jt partner.
- (9:58PM) JT is a badass.
- (10:12PM) The Peppers are a little flat. Again. Does not compute.
- (10:15PM) Nice solo by Frusciante at the end, though.
- (10:17PM) Lifetime Achievement Award.
- (10:24PM) Sven, you're a tease.**
- (10:25PM) DH gives a shout out - huh? (at this point I can't recall who DH was)
- (10:28PM) What? JT=robbed. Huh-uh.
And there we have it - Grammy's 2007 in a nutshell, of sorts.
*In one case I already did, and the little text note didn't help. Oh my aching gray matter.
**I think I'd flipped to KARE11 for a check of the weather, here.
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