So I'm a bit fascinated with parenthood and how it changes people. There are 2 likely causes of this fascination: First, pretty much all of my friends have had kids over the past 2-3 years - and I do mean ALL of them. Those that have abstained from reproduction can be counted on one shop teacher's hand.

Second, I will - in all likelihood - never have children, myself. Now, now - don't cry for me yet, Argentina. You should know that a)I'm not afflicted by any real desire or need to be a parent, and b) I probably wouldn't be very good at it - I don't come from a line of particularly strong fathers. So it's okay if I don't father any kids of my own, really. Even if it wasn't, I ain't gettin' any younger and it's not like the women are knocking down my door screaming "Put a baby in me!" So no, I don't think there's much chance I'll be popping out any miniature people.
But that's okay - I much prefer the concept of being "crazy uncle Colin" over boring old "Dad". For one, I don't ever have to be the bad guy. I can be all fun, all the time. For two, I can lie to the little ankle-biters, which I love to do - nothing awful or harmful to them, mind you, just fun little bits of fiction*.
I'm enjoying watching my friends evolve, that's for sure. It's interesting to see their priorities shift (and heartening to see that they're shifting in the right direction; I won't have to worry about any of these kids), and to listen to them telling stories about the most mundane events possible as if they're discussing a chance encounter with, like, James Dean or some such thing. Incidentally, those mundane stories, as it turns out, aren't anywhere near as annoying as I'd feared they would be; it's actually kind of cute.
My immediate goal is to get each and every one of these little rug rats to refer to me as "Uncle Stan" - because sooner or later their parents are going to have to explain that nickname** to them, and it's gonna be awesome.
*an example: My good friends' boy, Connor, came up to me at a baseball game once and demanded that I explain to him why the sky was blue. I mentioned that his dad really ought to explain it to him, but he replied that his dad was "too busy". So, after giving it some careful thought, I decided to tell him the sky was blue because I painted it that way. No big thing - until later that summer, while mom and dad were painting the house (and of course arguing about it) and Connor piped up with the following admonishment: "Stop fighting so much! Uncle Colin painted the whole sky and you don't see him complaining." Angels. They're little angels.
**there is a story behind this nickname, of course - one day I may even explain it here***.
***or perhaps I already have explained it... I don't remember. This is your brain after multiple severe concussions and several dubious lifestyle choices.
I'm all about Fi having strange nicknames for our friends. As long as "Uncle Stan" doesn't come from a creepy pervy story, Uncle Stan you are.
I'll do my part. You will now be Ellie's Crazy Uncle Stan. Only if it's a creepy pervy story, I reserve the right to make up my OWN explanation for why we call you that. And it may involve vaginal fluids. I'll find a way.
Sweet crap on a Ritz, Elise - no sooner do I get the phrase "I won't have to worry about these kids" out, and you have to say... THAT.
No, it most certainly does NOT involve... THAT.
You can be Stinky Pete's Uncle Stan. No vaginal story from me though.
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