Monday, February 05, 2007

Ode to St. Pauly Girl.

Okay, it's not really an ode - I just realized after the weekend of hibernation that she was right about a couple of things. And since she's no longer here at the P.O., and I know she loves to be right, I figured I'd admit it here in the HSO.

First, some time earlier this year, SPG told me about a show she thought I'd like: My Boys. Well, TBS ran the entire first season yesterday, and I caught a fair bit of it before, after, and - once the game turned into precisely what I thought it might turn into - during the Super Bowl. Turns out it is a really good show - at least I like it. And in the "I'm older than I realized I was" file, I was pleasantly surprised to hear "shit" (and most of its possible permutations) and "dick" being used openly in a sitcom. No, not because I have some juvenile love for foul language, but because the fact is that's how people our age actually talk - so it does in fact make the dialogue a bit more realistic and impactful if the folks on TV also talk that way. Additionally, being from the Chicagoland area (the show is set in Chicago), their use of "dick" was spot-on.

So anyway, good call SPG - it really is a good show, and I intend to make a point of catching up on it before they air new episodes this summer.

Second. It was really friggin' cold this weekend. Cold enough to keep me indoors with little to do but contemplate certain - situations - and watch TV, plus the usual meandering I do, working on this song or that for a while, maybe playing around with some graphics stuff, etc.

Anyway, as for the situations, specifically one of them which I will not detail here (at least not now), it's beginning to be very clear that - much as I really hate to admit it (and I do mean really), SPG's right about that one as well. What I'll do about it (hell, if there's really anything I can do about it), that's a different question, and one I don't have an answer for. But she's right, dammit.

I hope you slept in late and are enjoying a nice lazy Monday for the first time in a long time, SPG. We'll miss you around here.


At 1:26 PM, Blogger SPG said... In the [almost] 6 years that I have known you, I don't think you have ever admitted I was right about something.

I couldn't be more proud if you were actually my brother.

Now email me the details on the "other" thing, pronto.

At 2:08 PM, Blogger C \m/ K said...

Oh you know those details already - hell, you know them better than I do.

At 4:01 PM, Blogger SPG said...

You're right, I do know. I just thought that perhaps there had been progress made over the weekend. I guess I'll just stay tuned with the rest of the internets.


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