Ode to my new iPod Nano.

Oh, Nano. Your candy-like coating is so very pretty. In truth, I am a bit afraid of you - of your diminutive size. How can you possibly survive the rigors of the world? What if I drop you?
I will hold you with both hands, just to be safe.
How can you possibly fit so much technology into such a tiny package? You have games, even!
Solitaire - We Have A Winner, and it was me!
Music Quiz - you beat me! But I will win one day!
Oh, how you will turn the bus ride into a dream of entertaining technology! It will take a truly smelly person to tear me from your bright screen and endless diversions.
Dear Nano, I thank you for gracing my (obviously very boring) life with your presence. We shall be together always. At least until you break down, at which point I will invoke my Apple Care and have you replaced.
But you will always be my first, my love.
My Nano.
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