Friday, April 28, 2006

Oh, for the love of Pete.

This fellow right here truly wants to die.

And if he doesn't pull it off himself with the drugs, I'm betting the guys from the bands his problems have wrecked will be happy to assist.

Thursday, April 27, 2006

My pig! My pig!

This story is best read with "Dueling Banjos" playing in the background.

Cute and cuddly? I think not.

Once forced to live in fear of death by clubbing, baby seals are now flexing some pretty serious political muscle.

My favorite part of this story is the quote attributed to the stinky hippie - er, environmental activist: "Aren't they cute? I wish they would leave the baby seals alone!" Wow - that's compelling, thought-provoking stuff, right there.

Normally I'd side against the baby seals, if for no other reason than to piss off more stinky hippies. But let's be real, folks; those little ankle-biters have plenty of places where they can pee in the water.

Another team building excercise? I'll pass.

This has to be my favorite example of stupid corporate practice yet.

Pies, baby food, diapers and spanking? Hells, yes!

Kids these days.

Way to go, genius.

I mean, of all the indicators that our world and culture are going down the crapper, the diminishing quality of our criminals has got to be the one that freaks me out the most.

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

You think your ice cream's better'n me?!

The Irish aren't fond of Ben and Jerry's new flavor.

I had 3 initial thoughts about this article:
  1. Lighten up, Seamus.
  2. Ben and Jerry's prides itself on being a "friendly business" - isn't that an oxymoron?
  3. Ice cream that tastes like a Black and Tan? That's nasty.

Brett, you are a fool.

First things first: I am a Packers fan. I grew up in Bears country, but as any good contrarian would do, I decided at an early age to root for the enemy. I waited patiently as they stunk up the NFL during the 70s and 80s, and have enjoyed the (relatively) great success they've had since the early 90s, largely due to one Brett Favre.

Well, Brett's coming back for another year.

Problem is, he's going to discover when he gets back that there's no team surrounding him. The illustrious Ted Thompson (my growing hatred of this guy deserves its own post) has allowed the rest of the league to raid our cupboards and refuses to go out and spend the money required to re-stock the team.

Well, welcome back, Brett - I will enjoy watching you play for another year. I hope you somehow find a way to enjoy another losing season, and the continued erosion of your legacy.

Welcome to the HSO.

Welcome to the HSO - this is my blog (or attempt at such a thing). HSO stands for Horse Shit Operation, which is what pretty much any endeavor I've ever attempted has turned into. With any luck, I'll use this space to opine on the events of the day, sports, music, and when something of note actually occurs in my life, I'll probably run my pie-hole about that, as well.

Read on, intrepid internets users.