Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Get. Out.

Rolling Stones' spokesperson says Keith Richards didn't suffer brain damage.

How, precisely, would one be able to tell whether he did or did not? Seriously.

Friday, May 05, 2006

Republican Card Deck

I'm not a very political person, first off - when one's personal politics align most closely with Marxism, it's pretty hard to be all that political.

However, this is good clean fun regardless of how politically-minded one is*. From Cragan and Shields (note the copyright, people) via my good pals at A.S.S., check out the Republican Card Deck.

Good times.

*assuming one isn't a Lemming Republican.

Thursday, May 04, 2006

Whoa, dude.

Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned.

Personally? I say good for her - perhaps a bit overkill, but I'm not one to judge.

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Indestructible stone.

I've theorized for quite some time now that Keith Richards is somehow invincible. All those drugs, all that booze, there's no way anyone could survive that.

More proof that I'm right - dude fell out of a freaking palm tree (he was picking coconuts - nobody seems to be interested in why he was picking coconuts) and landed on his head, and he's doing just fine.

Now, I love the man - he's one of my favorite guitarists and songwriters. But I'm more convinced than ever that he's not human.

Monday, May 01, 2006


Sweet shit, but this is some damn bad luck.

Wrongly imprisoned for 15 years, and then when he's finally going to get some restitution he gets snuffed by a hit and run? That ain't right.