Regrets? I've had a few.
My sweet babies, I have awful news to tell you: I have the plague. Okay, technically I have bronchitis, which developed from a common cold, but any way you slice it, you can't escape the end result: I'm dying.
As you might expect, this has caused 2 (two) things: First, I've spent a LOT of time at home, on my ass, in front of my beloved television. Second, I've done a little, you know, reflecting on shit and whatnot. Real deep shit, too - peep it:
I don't watch American Idol - I don't like it, and I never will. Thus, I have seen little more of this little bastard than the picture below:

But it's enough. I think he needs to be killed - definitely. I don't like him. Have I seen more than the occasional picture of him? No. Have I ever even heard him sing ONE note? Nope. Doesn't matter, it's a clear-cut issue - he needs killin'.
And that's what I got for y'all at the moment; you'll have to forgive me, this vile malady has sapped me of my strength and wit. If by some chance I don't survive, one of you must promise me that you will kill that bastard in the picture above. For me.
Man, the crud is going around. We just got over it at the squab household. Sorry it invaded yours. And yes: Sanjaya must be killed. Anyone who can SERIOUSLY put his hair in that ... monstrosity ... just needs to be dead.
I'm going to trust you with that task, in case I meet my end due to this hell plague. I'm counting on you, Squab.
I just got over mine too. I had it on my stinking birthday too.
I've been hearing rumors that Howard Stern (radio guy, not Anna-Nicole Smith lapdog) has been campaigning his listeners to vote for this douche bag to be the next american idol. And apparently it may happen, even though not only does he look like a fucking moron, he cannot hold a tune to save his pathetic life. This show needs to be axed. Immediately.
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